My first, in a soon to be, long line of donations was for the Kamloops Rotary Crabfest 2009. I unfortunately don't have a good scan of the drawing but here's the best my cell phone could do...It sold for $90. I was pretty happy.
I've also realized I can't draw alone at home anymore which is a complete turnaround from before. Now I find I can only draw in crowded places. Starbucks, the mall, University Campus, etc. I find all the white noise lets me focus on drawing instead of on thinking. I seem to think way too much otherwise. And it's a negative kind of thinking...
A plus I hadn't realized was I actually like drawing around people. Some people watch or compliment the drawing or are generally happy about it. So, it's kind of a nice side bonus to the actual finished product and donation. Helps motivate me to finish! I'm looking forward to when I figure out how to do my painting in public too. I need to find a nice carrying case/easel/setup for that...